This is a one-time payment. You will only be charged once for the 12-month period.
Sign up for your monthly subscription and receive a 1-hour photo session and images each month for a year! Sign up for your monthly subscription and receive a Mini Shoot and images each month for 12 months! Automatically billed once every twelve (12) months.
12 photo sessions, 16 images and 4 prints of your choice from each shoot
Best for:
Anyone who needs to create constant up-to-date photo content for their brand
Influencers who want to batch images for social media
New look, Who Dis? New haircut, recent weight loss, weight/muscle gain, fitness or bodybuilding milestones
Commemorate a pregnancy from bump to baby
Restaurateurs, bar owners to showcase new menu items
Anyone who needs up-to-date images for press and media kits
With the monthly subscription the portraits we create will only get better - we'll get comfortable with each other, get to know each other, collaborate creatively and you'll be more at ease in front of the camera.
All 12 photo sessions to be redeemed within a 12 month period. Photo sessions do not have to occur on the same day/date each month.
Shoots are guaranteed once payment is made even in the event of postponement and/or rescheduling.
**Currently only available in the NYC area